Video-Based Virtual Interaction for Development

of Teachers of Less-Commonly-Taught Languages

Teachers of LCTLs often come to language teaching from other fields, missing out on crucial training opportunities. Furthermore, LCTL instructors are often isolated in their teaching contexts and may have limited options for materials and curricula. To address these needs, the Virtual Video-based Inquiry for the Development of LCTL Teachers (ViVID) invites cohorts of currently practicing LCTL instructors to engage in reflective teaching and peer-mentoring.  

The ViVID Project is facilitated by the core faculty of MSU’s Graduate Programs in Foreign Language Teaching. The MAFLT and FLT Certificate are fully online programs that serve teachers of twenty different languages across the U.S. and the globe. 

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ViVID LCTL Fellows

The 2023-24 cohort is underway! 

Instructions and timeline for applying to be part of next year’s cohort will appear in Spring 2024. 

In the meantime, you can: 

Sign up for updates on the ViVID Project